SpawnHorse Console Command

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SpawnHorse Command


This console command spawns a horse.



The SpawnHorse command spawns Roach, Geralt's loyal steed, next to your current location.

As Witcher 3 is an open-world game with vast landscapes, having access to a horse makes traveling faster and easier.

This is a console command you can use in case Roach gets lost or stuck somewhere, or if you simply need quick access to your mount.

You should note that this command works only if Geralt is in an open area; it cannot summon the horse indoors or in narrow, enclosed environments.

Roach is not just a mode of fast transportation, but can be also used in combat. Mounted combat lets the player attack foes while on horseback, giving them an edge over ground-based enemies.

Moreover, the horse can be equipped with enhanced gear that can improve her speed, stamina, or Fear level.

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